Atchison County, MO | Chlamydia Prevalence

This data is from the CDC's NCHHSTP 2014 Atlas :

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CityTotal PopulationNumber of People with chlamydia% of Population with chlamydia


CountyTotal PopulationNumber of People with chlamydia% of Population with chlamydia
Atchison County, MO5449100.18%

Map of chlamydia Prevalence by County

Chlamydia Rate

Nearby Counties

CountyTotal PopulationNumber of People with chlamydia% of Population with chlamydia
Nemaha County, NE7157120.17%
Fremont County, IA7080200.28%
Atchison County, MO5449100.18%
Richardson County, NE8125150.18%
Otoe County, NE15752430.27%
Mills County, IA14896340.23%
Page County, IA15713580.37%
Johnson County, NE514410.02%
Cass County, NE25357420.17%
Pawnee County, NE270930.11%
Sarpy County, NE16933100%
Holt County, MO456860.13%
Montgomery County, IA10424190.18%
Brown County, KS9997230.23%
Pottawattamie County, IA927284270.46%

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